Pix Brand Pvt. Ltd.

UI/UX Design
& Development Services

Leverage effective interactions to boost sales with our user-focused UI/UX capabilities and consulting services.

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Our UI/UX Design
Service Offerings​

From improving existing solution designs to creating new UI/UX products from scratch, the design team experts at Pix Brand do all of that, and a lot more at that too.

UI/UX Design: Web

Ensure a robust brand identity through enriched user engagement and interaction with Pix Brand’s UI/UX Design wizards.

UI/UX Design: Mobile

Get engaging and effective designs created for multiple screen sizes and platforms to align business objectives for better reach.

Visual Design

Build visually pleasing and foolproof design solutions to address dynamic commercial requirements, every time.

Measurable Interactions

Get onboarded with us to create interface designs that instantly hook users with impressive fundamental awareness for great ROI.

Design Testing

Our research methods further improve created designs with our modular code capabilities to align your objectives to perfection.

UI/UX Consulting

Unorthodox, yet effective solutions that seamlessly integrate with existing Android and iOS ecosystems for better returns.

Have a Project? Let Us Know!

Schedule a free consultation with us to understand the transformation
of your vision into a superb technology product

Superlative Solutions
with Supreme Creativity

We don’t just deliver services. We believe in creating the strategies you need and crafting the solutions for the perfect harmony and balance.


Get a robust brand identity with our strategic approach and awareness of the latest design trends.

Creative Design

Evoke the right user emotions with eye-catching designs that instantly communicate the brand message.

Responsive Design

Get highly responsive web and app designs with flexible layouts and multi-device functionality.

Pix Brand’s UI/UX
Design Process Flow

Businesses require a UI/UX design philosophy that complements their objective and leads to the right quantity of conversions with the perfect solution. Long story short, we guarantee impeccable results.

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Our Stack for Bleeding-
Edge UI/UX Design

Crafting Extraordinary UI/UX Design Goes Beyond XD and Figma.
Here’s An Insight Into The Other Technologies We Use.



Visual Designs


Wireframing (1)
Programming (1) (1)
Visual Design Tools (2)
Collaboration (1)