Pix Brand Pvt. Ltd.


Housetripping: Global Bring
Out The Singer In You


Israel, West Asia




- Market Research
- Adobe XD Design
- Adobe XD Prototypes
- Brand Guidelines
- Website Design
- Website Development


- 1x Project Manager
- 1x UI/UX Creative Director
- 1 x Web Designer
- 1 x Brand Specialist
- 1 x Front-end Developer
- 1 x Back-end Developer
- 1 x Quality Assurance Tester

The Client

Before the app came into being, the client contacted us at Pix Brand with the objective of completely changing the way karaoke applications are offered to smartphone users these days. It was to be their first brush in the domain of mobile application development, and they had the idea at their disposal. They wanted the mobile app development experts at Pix Brand to take care of the rest.

The Challenge

The client had an MVP of the app more or less ready, but the quality was not suited to the trends that the app world is playing in. There was not just the challenge of revamping the Houstripping app, but also doing it in a way that genuinely could appeal to the target audience- the Gen-Z, or Millennials. A detailed, high-functioning Karaoke app with minimal navigation with eye-catching UX more or less encompassed the challenge.

The Solution

Our UX team brainstormed on the kind of ideas it had in terms of the layout and design for Housetripping. The next step was to ensure an alignment with the content team, for content also was to be a very integral part of the app. With a few tests and dry runs, our team was able to churn out a few wireframe samples for the app, which we shared with the client. There were a lot of compliments for the wireframes and the client chose one of the iterations as the best one to proceed ahead.

The Result

Today, Housetripping Karaoke is one of the most popular apps for a good house party or event where Karaoke is supposed to take centre stage, with a significant amount of new and existing users in a healthy balance.