Pix Brand Pvt. Ltd.

Steps to Great Web Design

Steps to great web design

Pixbrand Team Published: App Development Digital Marketing Ecommerce Seo shopify UI/UX Design Web Development woocommerce Steps to Great Web Design Speed is subjective for both service providers as well as clients when it comes to creating and delivering a web design. While a typical web design can get ready within 3 to 4 weeks, the […]

10 Apps With The Best UI/UX | Pix Brand

Pixbrand Team Published: App Development Digital Marketing Ecommerce Seo shopify UI/UX Design Web Development woocommerce 10 Apps with the Best UI/UX How do you order food or find the best travel destination today? Of course, via browsing on the internet. We are living in a parallel world called the digital universe, where everything is available […]

How UI & UX Research Can Increase Your Business Success 10X?

Pixbrand Team Published: App Development Digital Marketing Ecommerce Seo shopify UI/UX Design Web Development woocommerce In today’s digitally advanced era, where customer expectations are soaring, the business’s success is intimately tied to the customer journey delivered through its products or services. User Interface and User Experience are now powerful tools to shape consumer experiences. To […]

Guide to Web Accessibility

Pixbrand Team Published: App Development Digital Marketing Ecommerce Seo shopify UI/UX Design Web Development woocommerce I. Introduction Ever seen a library where not everyone can access the books on the higher shelf? The Internet is a digital library filled with books on communication, education, commerce and entertainment. Just like books placed on tall shelves, numerous […]

Research Methods in UX Design: A Journal You Should Read

Pixbrand Team Published: App Development Digital Marketing Ecommerce Seo shopify UI/UX Design Web Development woocommerce The thought and practice of UX research have witnessed a tremendous change in the last few years. Initially viewed as a niche domain, it is now an activity that is considered crucial; something that anyone in an organisation should be […]

How to Select the Ideal Brand Research Agency?

Pixbrand Team Published: App Development Digital Marketing Ecommerce Seo shopify UI/UX Design Web Development woocommerce Do you want to spend countless hours to find the right resources on marketing strategies for your brand? Every business wants to resonate with the targeted audience but rarely knows where to begin. Some of them might know the fact […]

Trends in Digital Marketing 2023 That You Should Focus on

Pixbrand Team Published: App Development Digital Marketing Ecommerce Seo shopify UI/UX Design Web Development woocommerce Market and technology are consistently evolving, so the channels to utilise them also need to be leveraged in more ways than one. If you look at it from a commercial perspective, this evolution has led to brands and companies trying […]

Grow Your Shopify Store- Tips from a Shopify Development Agency | PixBrand.

Pixbrand Team Published: App Development Digital Marketing Ecommerce Seo shopify UI/UX Design Web Development woocommerce 1. Grow Your Shopify Store- Tips from a Shopify Development Agency When it comes to taking your products to the market where a sizable chunk of the audience is waiting for something new and unique, then it won’t come as […]

11 E-commerce Trends of 2024 – Future of Shopping

11 new ecommerce trends featuring new and unique style

Pixbrand Team Published: App Development Digital Marketing Ecommerce Seo shopify UI/UX Design Web Development woocommerce It’s time to put brick and mortar stores out of business because e-commerce is poised to shine in 2024 dressed in a holographic gown. The era of dusty shelves, abandoned carts, and interminable aisles is over. Now, you may purchase […]